Our network
The environmental platform is linked to regional, national, federal, and international levels with a lot of partners:
- Bürgschaftsbank Baden-Württemberg
- Mittelständische Beteiligungsgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg
- Baden-Württemberg International
- RKW Baden-Württemberg
- Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy Baden-Württemberg
- Ministry of Economics, Labour and Housing Baden-Württemberg
- Administration
- Industrial Associations
- IHK / BW-Handwerkstag
- Universities
- Research Institutions
- Steinbeis-Stiftung / Steinbeis-Fundation
- Environmental Technology BW
Regional Cluster:
Statewide Netzwork:
- Alliance Fiber based Materials
- BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg GmbH
- Competence network Mechatronik Baden-Württemberg
- Mikrosystemtechnik Baden-Württemberg e.V.
Internat. Cooperation Partners:
- Clusterland Upper Austria
- Osiad, Turkey
- Trukconfed, Turkey
- DEIK, Turkey
- Coparamey, Mexico
- USEM, Mexico
- Senai, Brazil
If you need contacts or support, please contact our cluster management.